Linear Regression
Regression analysis is a statistical method used for predicting numerical values based on input features. Common applications include predicting home prices, stock values, patient hospital stays, and retail sales forecasts.
Types of Regression Problems
- Regression Problems: Concerned with predicting continuous numerical values.
- Classification Problems: Focused on predicting categorical outcomes.
Linear Regression
Linear regression is a foundational algorithm in regression analysis that assumes a linear relationship between input features and the target variable.
- Predicting housing prices based on area and age.
- Estimating stock prices using historical data.
- Forecasting patient hospital stays.
Dataset Terminology
- Training Dataset: The subset of data used to fit the model.
- Example: A single instance or row in the dataset.
- Label (Target): The outcome variable the model aims to predict.
- Features: The input variables used to predict the label.
Linear Regression Model
Linear Equation
The linear regression model expresses the relationship between features and the label using the following equation:
- and : Weights assigned to each feature.
- : Bias term (intercept).
Matrix Formulation
For models with multiple features and data points, linear regression can be represented using vectors and matrices:
- : Feature vector.
- : Weight vector.
For multiple observations, the equation extends to:
- : Design matrix containing all feature vectors.
- : Vector of predicted values.
Loss Function
The loss function quantifies the difference between the model's predictions and the actual data.
Mean Squared Error (MSE)
A commonly used loss function in regression tasks:
- : Number of data points.
- : Actual target value for the example.
Analytic Solution
Direct computation of the optimal weights using matrix operations, assuming the design matrix has full rank.
Gradient Descent
An iterative optimization technique to minimize the loss function by updating weights in the opposite direction of the gradient.
Minibatch Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
- Minibatch SGD: Utilizes small, random subsets of data (minibatches) for more frequent weight updates.
- Advantages: Balances computational efficiency and convergence quality.
Practical Example
PyTorch Module Implementation
This example demonstrates setting up a complete PyTorch module using an object-oriented approach, integrating a model, data module, and trainer.
Module Definition
import torch
from torch import nn, optim
from import DataLoader, TensorDataset
from torchvision import transforms
class Module(nn.Module):
"""The base class for models."""
def __init__(self):
# Define the layers of the model = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(784, 256),
nn.Linear(256, 10)
def forward(self, X):
"""Forward pass through the network."""
def training_step(self, batch):
"""Compute the loss for a batch of data."""
inputs, targets = batch
outputs = self(inputs)
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(outputs, targets)
return loss
def configure_optimizers(self):
"""Set up optimizers."""
return optim.SGD(self.parameters(), lr=0.1)
Data Module
class DataModule:
"""The base class for data handling."""
def __init__(self, batch_size=64):
# Transformations applied to each data item
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)) # MNIST mean and std
# Dummy data: 1000 examples, 784 features each (28x28 images flattened)
features = torch.rand(1000, 784)
labels = torch.randint(0, 10, (1000,))
dataset = TensorDataset(features, labels)
self.dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
def get_dataloader(self):
return self.dataloader
class Trainer:
"""The base class for training models."""
def __init__(self, model, data_module, max_epochs=10):
self.model = model
self.data_module = data_module
self.max_epochs = max_epochs
self.optimizer = model.configure_optimizers()
def fit(self):
"""Execute the training loop."""
for epoch in range(self.max_epochs):
for batch in self.data_module.get_dataloader():
loss = self.model.training_step(batch)
print(f'Epoch {epoch}, Loss: {loss.item()}')
# Create instances of the model, data module, and trainer
model = Module()
data_module = DataModule()
trainer = Trainer(model, data_module)
# Start training